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What is Called Near Miss in workplace?????

 NEAR MISS Guideliness

               A situation that could have resulted in either property damage, bodily injury, or both.

               near miss, near hit, or close call is an unanticipated event that could have resulted in injury to people, damage to the environment or property, or a disruption of routine operations, but did not.

Unsafe Act :

An unsafe act is when a task or activity is carried out in a way that jepardises the environment, safety, and health of the workplace. For eg.,

    •          Lack of or improper use of PPE.

    •          Failure to lockout/tag out. 


       Unsafe conditions at work include anything that could endanger people, property, or the environment.

                â€¢ Inadequate supports or guards. 

                • Defective tools, equipment

How Near miss is different from Unsafe act / condition.

                  There is a release or nearly release of hazard beyond limit in near miss situations, which is not the case in unsafe .                             



UNSAFE ACT - Operating unguarded Equipment/un Authorized Operations

UNSAFE CONDITION-Equipment left unguarded Poor Guarding.

NEAR MISS -operator While Operating had a slip and just escaped his hands from moving gears.


UNSAFE ACT: Workers Working without full body Harness.

UNSAFE CONDITION: Edge protection not available at workplace.

NEAR MISS : Workers slipped regained balance and escaped from major fall.


UNSAFE ACT: Work commenced without permit to work

UNSAFE CONDITION :Scaffold Pipes stored at the edge of Excavation.

NEAR MISS :One Scaffold pipe fell inside the excavation very close to worker.


UNSAFE ACT: Workers entered  without Permit

UNSAFE CONDITION : Ventilation Not Available Inadequate.

NEAR MISS :Workers After Entering confined space felt suffocated and managed to come out.


                           â€¢ Near miss cases are a precursor to and indication of accidents that have grave consequences.

                           â€¢ According to several studies, serious occurrences can be prevented when near-miss cases are recorded, looked into, and the results are correctly corrected.


             Any risky practise that results in a close call, a small injury, or a serious harm is only a chance. Therefore, one should effectively handle any harmful conduct.

What should you do incase of a near miss case.?

              Report to your superior / supervisor 

              Collect details and information related to  incident 

              Facilitate carrying out an investigation of the  incident

              Rectify immediate issues / concerns led to the incident 

              Ensure communication of learnings in tool box  talk

              Effective implementation and review of incident  investigation learning 

Identify, report and rectify near miss cases to prevent  serious incidents.     

Near miss –Don’t Ignore, Report it  

If you are feel free Contact Our Advisor

+91 9047276591

Our Other Related Training

Certificate of Achievement In accident investigation

aIOSH MS(Managing Safely)

OTHM LEVEL 6 International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

NVQ LEVEL 6  International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety

Qualify Level 7 International Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety


Ms.Manimekalai- HSE Adviser | Aim Vision Safety Training & Consulting
t: 044 42140492
m: 91 9047276591
#286,First Floor,GST Road,
Chromepet, Chennai 600 044 (Above Vodafone Showroom)


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